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Short Story Publication & Reading: "Sleeping Beauty" in 2022 Writers' Corner Anthology

Thrilled to share that my Prompts piece, "Sleeping Beauty," was published in the 2022 Village Books Writers' Corner Anthology!

I wrote this short piece in response to the following prompt:

Write a piece about struggling to move from one season to the next, noticing the connection between the world outside and your inner world.

Village Books' annual Writers' Corner Anthology compiles the strongest work produced by members of the bookstore's various writing groups. Writers submit their pieces for consideration and undergo two rounds of feedback, and then editors judge the final versions to determine which pieces are included.

You may also watch a recording of some of the writers reading their pieces in the video below. I start the video at my section, and there are lots of great stories to check out throughout!

Pick up your copy of the 2022 Village Books Writers Corner Anthology now!

Copyright Alexandra M. Lucas 2023


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