Short Story Publication: "Soldiers Like Us" in HamLit: Life Expectancy
Writing spooky short stories about death gives me life, so when I heard that HamLit was making its triumphant return, I knew I had to pen something to submit for their next issue. Excited to share that HamLit elected to publish my short story about two unexpected visitors, "Soldiers Like Us," in HamLit's 2023 Summer Solstice Issue: Life Expectancy!
With all of the turmoil in the world today, I started thinking about how we define who the "good guys" are. As always, my mind goes straight to thinking about how those who are left behind grapple with grand happenings like wars and struggles for power.
In "Soldiers Like Us," a mother and daughter who are holding down the farmstead during a time of war suddenly receive two unexpected visitors. The only trouble is, those visitors are two soldiers wearing the enemy's colors. All four of them must do the delicate dance of adhering to host expectations while never losing sight of the fact that they are not allies.
Many thanks to my partner Bo R. and my best friend Travis G., both of whom helped this piece get to its final version.
Thanks in advance for reading "Soldiers Like Us" in HamLit's 2023 Summer Solstice Issue: Life Expectancy!
Copyright Alexandra M. Lucas 2023